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10 Mistakes in Marketing
Part of 'Learning A La Carte' Series
Peter Quarry interviews Carolyn Stafford, Director, It's no surprise that a great product or service will be overlooked without effective marketing. Yet many businesses don't make the most of their marketing spend. In this program, Carolyn Stafford discusses ten common marketing... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ask for the Order! (AFTO)
Research has clearly shown that if you don’t ASK FOR THE ORDER , your probablity of Closing is less than 20%. The video includes 11 realistic vignettes in diverse business settings with 43 different actors. With Art Bauer as oncamera expert narrator, you’ll see demonstrations of right way/wrong way ... read more
Best Service Is No Service, The
Amazon customers want to know, Wheres my stuff?
Program Highlights 75% of CEOs in the U.S. believe they provide above-average custom
Brand Marketing
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Sadhana Smiles, Director, RealChange to explore some practical advice and strategies. Sadhana Smiles says you must ensure your brand reflects the product and service image you require: • Competing brand messages • Memorab... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Brand Race: How to Rise Above the Competition
Program Highlights How “must-have” product innovations knock out competitors. Giving a weakened brand new energy and visibility. When to market the product category more than the brand. Incremental product improvements to promote “my brand is better than your brand” have l
Building Brand and Reputation
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Maria Deveson-Crabbe, CEO, Marie Stopes International Australia to explore some practical advice and strategies. Maria Deveson-Crabbe shows the importance of building a powerful brand and securing your reputation: • Brand... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Building Retail Brands to Drive Value
Brand strength comes from more than just an ad campaign.
Program Highlights How brand value generates cash and drives up market cap. When you should execute first—and advertise later. Why it's not just the marketing department that worries about brands anymore. Successful brands adapt to the changing needs of their custome
Building Strategic Alliances
Part of 'Learning A La Carte' Series
More and more organisations are discovering the value in building strategic alliances with other organisations. To find out more about how to do this successfully, psychologist Peter Quarry, interviews Glenyce Johnson, Managing Director of Peregrine Adventures. They explore the nature and benefits o... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Building the Market-Focused Culture
How to turn a "brand promise" into a "brand experience."
Program Highlights How a market focus releases you from unprofitable customers while attracting and retaining valuable ones. The necessity of an employee brand that is closely aligned with your customer brand. Why your competitors will try to imitate your market focus...but can't.
Building Your Personal Brand
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Sadhana Smiles, Director, RealChange to explore some practical advice and strategies. Sadhana Smiles explains what you can do to ensure your personal brand is positive • What is a personal brand? • Tangibles & intangibles... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Can I Help You?
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Pete Williams, Entrepreneur to explore some practical advice and strategies. Engage customers from the first moment. Pete Williams discusses: • Service turn off • Pattern interrupt • Body language & tone • Engage from the... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Communicating With Customers
An Entry Level Guide
Viewers of this lively program see five scenarios of young people relating to customers. They visit a spinning instructor at a health club and Jasmine who waits tables at the club’s cafe. They visit Miranda at a beauty salon, and Shannon who works at a bike shop and see how both handle customers who... read more