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5 Steps to High Self esteem
Part of 'Take Away Training ' series
Learn five practical ways to improve self esteem and significantly improve productivity now.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Arrogance and Humility
Some of the team must decrease arrogance and increase humility. Arrogance is easy to recognize in others, but seldom in oneself! Sam’s high intelligence often translates into condescension when dealing with his colleagues. Carol is oblivious to the impact of her blunt assessments and look at me be... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Asking for help
Ask others for help, directly and indirectly, and say why you need help.The Basic English learning package comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Designed by Linguistics Expert Dr FRan Byrnes and Psychologist ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Assertiveness Skills Pack, The
These activities show how it pays to be assertive
Use this pack to demonstrate what assertive behaviour is and how it can be used in a wide range of work situations. Take the 24 group activities and incorporate them into sessions on customer care, team working, meetings, managing change and giving feedback. Give participants the confidence to open ... read more
Be Confident and Assertive
Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive.Confidence is a necessary part of the workplace. Casey is marked immediately as a person lacking confidence. She needs to become aware of how she talks and comes across. As Sam points out, changing her intonation and using fewer vague ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Being Assertive
Discover effective ways to handle an angry customer, an unreasonable boss, a pushy salesperson, a bullying workmate or an unfair partner. Minimise stress, get results and feel good about yourself.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Being Assertive
This entertaining video will help your team develop the skills for intelligent communication.
Assertiveness is defined as the ability to express yourself openly and honestly without denying the rights of others. This engaging new video shares the "how to's" of assertive communication and identifies other common communication styles that can cause difficulties in the workplace.Being Assertive... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Boosting Emotional Intelligence
This video won an Accolade Global Film Competition Award 2015 Steve and Sam facilitate an emotional intelligence session but some don't learn. The team at Cutting Edge have decided that Carol needs to work on her EQ (emotional intelligence) skills. Steve and Sam run training for the staff. Carol t... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Can I Help You?
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Pete Williams, Entrepreneur to explore some practical advice and strategies. Engage customers from the first moment. Pete Williams discusses: • Service turn off • Pattern interrupt • Body language & tone • Engage from the... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Career Resilience
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Peter Wallbridge, HR Consultant to explore some practical advice and strategies. Peter Wallbridge says we need personal capabilities to do well even when times are tough: • What is career resilience? • Ask for feedback • ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Chat with friends and people at work - what can you chat about; what questions could you ask?The Basic English learning package comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Designed by Linguistics Expert Dr FRan Byr... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Coaching to Enhance Confidence
Build confidence through practical coaching techniques.
Sometimes people don't perform well because they have low confidence in a particular task.This video shows how to first recognise low confidence and then build confidence in others by reassuring them that these feelings are normal. It provides clear examples for challenging the other person's negati... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only