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Apollo 13: Leadership
Down-to-earth lessons for you and your organization
With Jim Lovell (commander of Apollo 13) and Jim Belasco (author of Flight of the Buffalo and Teaching the Elephant to Dance). Featuring actual footage from the 1970 Apollo 13 mission, you will learn the leadership, teamwork and crisis management strategies that brought the crew of Apollo 13 down to... read more
Celebrate What's Right With the World
Do you have a vision for your organization? More importantly, do you have one for yourself, one that gets you excited every morning and keeps you open to possibilities?Dewitt Jones is one of America's top professional photographers. In his career with National Geographic, he found that the creative ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Organizational Vision, Values and Mission
To succeed, an organization must have a vision for tomorrow, which is clear and attainable, motivating and exciting. Every employee must learn to exhibit leadership and act on opportunities in a way consistent with your organization's mission and values. This programme follows a group of professiona... read more
Power of Vision, The
To show people that they can all make a difference by looking to the future.
How did a prisoner find the will to survive hell on earth — Auschwitz concentration camp — so he could help others find the meaning of life? How did most of a sixth grade class in a neighbourhood where few students even finish high school beat the odds and go to college? How do organizations ins... read more
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Value-Based Leadership
The New Frontier in Value Creation
Program Highlights How to quantify uncertainty, and profit by embracing risk. Why you need to align management and shareholder interests. W
Visionary Companies: Their Success and Characteristics
Is experimentation more useful than long-term strategic planning?
Program Highlights Core values and beliefs of enduring, visionary companies. Debunks the myth of the charismatic leader. How enduring companies adapt to and drive change. Dr. Jerry Porras and his colleague Jim Collins studied the life histories of 18 visionary companies, l