Program Highlights
How to quantify uncertainty, and profit by embracing risk.
Why you need to align management and shareholder interests.
What we learned from VBM.
Value-Based Management (VBM) is steadily growing in popularity around the world, providing significant benefits to many companies. But the race to create even more value is far from over. The new frontier is Value-Based Leadership (VBL), which looks to the future rather than the past, addressing growth, innovation and entrepreneurship. Commodity and "big-bet" industries need metrics that take into account the uncertain, yet tremendous, potential of optionality and learning. Without these paradigms, VBM falls short of reaching your company's full potential.
Dr. Howard received BS, MS, EE, and ScD degrees in electrical engineering as well as a BS in economics from MIT, and has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering. David Fishman is Managing Director of Strategic Decisions Group Financial Services, advancing strategic management and organizational change for projects at Fortune 500 and emerging growth companies.