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First Aid 1: Basic Life Support
This program details the essential aspects of first aid as required assisting someone in need of help. It focuses on how to respond to an emergency situation, primary and secondary surveys, cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and managing major external bleeding.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
First Aid 2: Outdoor Injuries
Summer means spending time outdoors enjoying sport and recreational activities. It also means being prepared to manage outdoor emergency situations. Would you know what to do? This program details the basic knowledge required to make a difference and protect life. Focusing on heat related injuries, ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Health and Safety Coach, The
Compendium of Risk Assessment Questionnaires
The Health and Safety Coach recognizes that, in order to change behaviour and weed out complacency and bad habits that are the primary cause of so many workplace accidents, managers need to be:• challenged about their assumptions; • empowered to help them see things through their own eyes; and • inv... read more
Office Administration Series
Set of 4 videos
Working in an office can require some very specific skills, but how do we get on generally in any office situation? In this this excellent 4 part series we covers all aspects of office administration: General Office Skills (25 minutes) Working in an office can require some very specific skills,... read more
Safe Manual Handling: 3 Steps to a Safer Workplace
In the past safe manual handling training was all about his to lift things correctly. However current practice is to minimise the risk of manual handling injury through a 3 step process: 1. Identify hazardous manual handling tasks 2. Assess risks involved in hazardous tasks 3. Risk control - ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ten-Minute Health, Safety & Responsibility at Work
As we become more and more regulated, it is essential that we keep out staff trained, informed and motivated to take responsibility – not just for the legal minimum, but also for our ethical responsibility towards yourselves, our colleagues, our customers and the wider community. These sessions cove... read more