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As a manager, your attention is usually focused on doing the right things to create a work environment that will cause your employees to engage, perform, and stay. However, the organization needs you to stay too. You are a valuable asset to the company, and it's just as important for you to engage and stay, as it is for your team. For this course you will review particular work elements and select three areas that are really important to you. These areas should be the things you must have at work to create a job that will cause you to want to stay and be your best. By completing this course, you will know what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay.

The Result:
Identify what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay

This is available as part of

Retaining Your Employees
Managers perform the skills needed to retain each individual employee.
Retention is key. Research continues to show the financial and productivity impact of employee turnover. And while you may not be able to stop all turnover; you can certainly decrease it. Thus, limiting the impact of turnover on your team and creating the opportunity to strengthen your ability to ma... read more
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