


Teams represent a group of astronauts on a training mission. Forced to evacuate the Space Station they have landed safely back on Earth in a remote region. What must they do to be rescued?
The Activity

The clock is ticking and time is short. Having landed somewhere in the Koruk Mountains teams must reach a certain location in order to be rescued. To achieve that goal there’s a lot to do! The pressure is on.

Teams have a map but no idea where they are on that map, they’ll have to work it out - and the same applies to their pick-up point. How far away is it? How quickly can they travel? They’ll need to camp overnight - in hostile conditions. Survival equipment is in the landing capsule, but which items should they take - it all needs carrying in backpacks.

How will teams work? There’s a lot to sort out so they need to prioritise. Will anyone establish themselves as leader? Who’s good at reading maps (guidance provided in the Brief)? Which items are essential? More important, do they realise the time pressure? The longer they take to prepare, the less time they have for their journey.

10 ‘leadership trigger points' have been identified. At each somebody has to take the lead and push the team on. Taking too long means they won't make the deadline.

Ideal for observing teams and how they interact under pressure as well as identifying those individuals who show leadership potential. Ultimately this activity leads to a useful discussion about what makes a good leader, what leadership is all about and how participants can demonstrate leadership skills back in the workplace.
3-24 delegates (up to 4 teams of 3-6 per team)
Learning Objectives
  •     to identify 10 trigger points where leadership is required
  •     to recognise some basic leadership traits
  •     to see the benefits when a team is organised and well led
  •     to show that the leader role can move between different people
  •     to show that there isn’t just one style for effective leadership
  •     to show the importance of whole team collaboration
  •     to show the importance of the team supporting the leader
New Release
1 Hour
Product Type
Course ID

This is a Northgate Training Activity


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