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Program Highlights

  • The three stages of innovation: substitution, scale and structural effect.
  • How the impact of the Internet on supply chain management has lead to business opportunities far beyond supply chain integration.
  • Examples of supply chain structural changes that resulted in important new profit centers.

Professor Lee argues that companies should not be satisfied with the substitution effect or the scale effect when enjoying the benefits of the Internet on supply chain management. They need to identify opportunities for structural changes to their supply chain, and enable those changes to take place. The result will be new collaborative ventures, and can lead to entirely new product lines. Lee shows how select companies have leaped ahead by encouraging the structural changes precipitated by integrating supply chain management and the Internet.

Professor Lee is Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Professor of Engineering at the Stanford School of Engineering. He holds a BS from the University of Hong Kong, M.Sc. from the London School of Economics, MIS from the Institute of Statisticians, and both an MS and PhD from the University of Pennsylvania.

Process Improvement
Video Running Time (minutes)
Featured Talent
Stanford Grad. School of Business
Hau Lee Professor
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