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10 Employability Attributes & Skills
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Learn about the 5 key attributes and 5 core skills that make anyone more employable and more effective in their work. Essential viewing for job seekers and recruiters. Training Points
DVD style course with completion certificate only
10 Essentials for Successful Induction
Part of 'Take Away Training' Series
Ensure that new people gain the best impression of your group and their job by delivering the ten induction essentials.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
360 Degree Feedback
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Learn how 360 degree feedback works and how you can improve with feedback from others.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
4 Ways to Enhance your Career
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Dean Judy Olian, UCLA Anderson School of Management to explore some practical advice and strategies. Dean Judy Olian shares personal experience to enhance careers: • Take on new assignments • Uphold 100% integrity • Step ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
6 Essential Steps to Getting that New Job
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Thinking of changing your job? Or been applying for positions but not having any success? Then, this program is for you!
DVD style course with completion certificate only
6 Ways To Boost Your Career Prospects
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Become more empowered with the development tips delivered in this program. Grab control of your career with these practical techniques and watch your prospects grow!
DVD style course with completion certificate only
6 Ways to Increase Job Satisfaction
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
If you are not happy in your job, it's up to you to do something about it. Learn practical and realistic strategies for making your job more satisfying, rewarding and meaningful.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Achieving SMART Goals
Lean the SMART formula and set specific measurable goals that are relevant and achievable within a time frame. Carol says she is successful because she constantly sets herself daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. She distinguishes between short-term and longer-term goals and introduces the team ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciate Feedback
Welcome feedback wihtout defensiveness and continually improve.Dion hears some tough feedback from Carol who explains why she would not hire him. It-s important for everyone to welcome feedback - both positive and critical feedback, but Sam gets defensive when Michael offers feedback on his latest p... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Be Confident and Assertive
Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive.Confidence is a necessary part of the workplace. Casey is marked immediately as a person lacking confidence. She needs to become aware of how she talks and comes across. As Sam points out, changing her intonation and using fewer vague ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Build Employability Skills
Find ways to learn new skills, manage your emotions and speak impressively.Cutting Edge wants people who are enthusiastic and keen to build their skills and focus on learning. Carol and Serena are not impressed with Dion-s performance to date. Steve advises intern Tatiana to be a sponge and soak up ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Building Your Personal Brand
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Sadhana Smiles, Director, RealChange to explore some practical advice and strategies. Sadhana Smiles explains what you can do to ensure your personal brand is positive • What is a personal brand? • Tangibles & intangibles... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only