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Developing an Emotionally Intelligent Team
Emotional Intelligence is positive and effective. It has direct commercial benefits. Exploiting it creates competitive advantage and encourages better performance. ith Developing an Emotionally Intelligent Team you'll have pages and pages of tried and tested activities devoted to making the teams in... read more
Developing Emotional Intelligence, 50 Activities for
Emotional Intelligence explains why, despite equal intellectual capacity, training, or experience, some people excel while others of the same caliber lag behind. Certain competencies are found repeatedly in high performers at all levels, from customer service representatives to CEOs. As trainers we ... read more
Emotional Intelligence
In this video, Goleman himself introduces his ground- breaking discoveries on the emotional mind and focuses on emotion as another measure of intelligence, redefining what it means to be "smart." This 70-minute special presents the author's extremely popular material in a most compelling and useful ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Emotional Intelligence
Introduces an increasingly important topic that underpins good interpersonal skills and good team skills.The ActivityIn this fun, short board game participants find out exactly what emotional intelligence is and why it is important. Do they show emotional maturity in the way they handle the given si... read more
Giving Feedback
Emotional Intelligence in Action
We give feedback day-in day-out, with our team and with our peers.Giving and receiving feedback happens all the time. Whether it’s a formal performance review, a coaching opportunity, or just ‘catching up’ by the coffee machine, feedback oils the process of managing people. An emotionally aware appr... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Manager as Coach, The
An emotionally intelligent approach
“If teaching was as simple as telling we would all be a lot smarter than we are” (Mark Twain) Coaching has the potential to underpin everything a manager does. An emotionally intelligent approach builds effective working relationships, and helps create a culture that supports learning and
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Using Emotional Intelligence at Work
17 tried and tested activities for understanding the practical application of emotional intelligence
How confident are you on the subject of emotional intelligence? Are you already committed to the concept but need help in putting it across in your organisation? Or perhaps you don't feel that you know enough to be competent to train people in it ...hatever your knowledge of Emotional Intelligence, ... read more