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How Great Decisions Get Made
Move forward by first having a group discussion centering on the issue's pros and cons.
Program Highlights Identifying the small changes in your decision making process that can have a big impact. Benefiting by enlisting all the players from the start. How to defuse clashing egos. Great companies are built upon great decisions. Unfortunately, many organizatio
Management & Supervisory Training, 50 Case Studies for
Managers and supervisors will sharpen their analytical and decision-making skills with this new collection of fully reproducible case studies. Based on actual, real-life situations, these exercises prepare supervisors and team leaders for the challenging problems they face in today's complex workpla... read more
Practical Decision-making Skills for Managers
Don't make good decisions, make great decisions
Practical Decision-making Skills for Managers is a valuable resource for every manager who needs to tackle the challenge of decision making - a key competency within every company. Decision making can make or break an organisation. So good decision-making skills are vital at all operational levels w... read more
Problem Solving & Decision Making
Achieving Desired Results
This course is designed to assist participants in exploring the best practices for problem solving and decision making. It demonstrates how effective problem solving and decision making can benefit leaders, their employees and the entire organization.Participant Objectives: Illustra
Seeing Red Cars
How can you get more of what you want?
Surely you’ve experienced something like this: you buy a red car, and suddenly red cars appear everywhere. Why? Because you’re focusing on red cars—and you get more of whatever you focus on.Is fear base thinking getting in the way of your team accomplishing what you want?Many of us have a tendency t... read more
Team Challenges
How to stretch teams - what every trainer should know
Could your teams cut a hole in postcard big enough to step through? Do they have the planning and time management skills to build a bridge for the millenium? Some of these challenges are deceptively simple and straightforward, others more complex. But every one is easy to deliver and can be trusted ... read more
Team Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
An innovative and successful organization relies on teams for greater productivity. To keep teams working smoothly, this program shows how to rationally confront problems and systematically resolve crises. Teams learn how to find a problem's "root cause," and implement real solutions that avoid recu... read more
Why Don't We Naturally Make Good Decisions?
An impending decision needs to be positioned in a manageable frame.
Program Highlights The endowment effect, the conjunction fallacy, and anchoring—natural human tendencies that lead to bad decisions, every time. Why we tend to disregard probability when making a decision under uncertainty. How impatience, stress, willpower and empathy influence action.
Yes, But...
Defend your ideas against killers of creativity
Yes, program with DVD explores what happens when new ideas are attacked by that killer phrase and as a result of the " Yes, but.." creative potential of ideas are not fully explored. This excellent animated meeting opener shows viewers how to defend their ideas against killers of cr... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only