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Eye Of The Beholder, The
Perhaps the greatest video ever made on perception.
It can help your employees realize how their perceptions can easily become distorted through belief based on their past experiences, fears and expectations. How they interpret a response to a situation can determine their success. Containing all of the drama of a first-rate murder mystery, this vide... read more
Seeing Red Cars - Creating A Mindset for Change
Dynamic change in business is exacerbating the natural tendency to focus on what we fear. This unconscious reaction is literally paralyzing people from being change adaptive. If this is critical for you, then it has never been more important to utilize The Seeing Red Cars Series. These bite-sized vi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Unbiased Mind, The
Are you biased? Are you prejudiced? Of course you are, and so am I.
This video regards bias and prejudice as “uncritical thinking.” We need labels to make quick judgments, but relying on labels leads to stereotyping and prejudice. We end up ignoring individual differences and soon see only the label. The video examines four