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Effective business writing is essential to our success at work. No matter what role we play, when we communicate effectively in emails, reports, proposals, or documents, we are more successful and more productive at work. When we write confusing or unclear communications, it seems others don't know what to do and important information gets lost. Effective business writing is about getting things done. When we compose emails or documents that clearly state what must happen, when it must happen, and why it must happen, we create an opportunity for everyone to be more effective and productive at work. Writing to get things done is not hard, anyone can do it, all we need to know are the essential components for written communication at work. By completing this course, you will know and use the three components of effective business communication.

The Result:
Know and use the three components of effective business communication

This is available as part of

Writing to Get Things Done
Effective Communication for Successful Leadership
In partnership with the Berry Writing Group, the experts on business writing, the Writing to Get Things Done® Toolkit will improve productivity by teaching how to use writing as a powerful tool for getting things done. Students will improve their on-the-job writing skills — writing clear, easy-to-r... read more
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