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When we are engaged in our work, we're happy. We like what we do and enjoy going to work. We feel good about our contributions and believe our work matters. While leaders and managers are often tasked with the assignment to help improve engagement, we as individuals can take control of our own work situation by improving our personal engagement. It's something within our control and is certainly worth the effort, as the outcome will be a better, more enjoyable and rewarding work situation. While the factors impacting engagement can be different for any one person, there are a few core factors that tend to influence engagement for the majority of people. So to help you get started, this course will provide a process for you to review and think about the most common engagement factors. After your review, you'll determine what to do next by selecting actions from a list of recommended next steps. By completing this course, you will be able to outline the actions that will increase your personal engagement and performance.

The Result:
Outline the actions that will increase your personal engagement and performance

This is available as part of

Increasing Your Contribution at Work
Individuals develop the skills required to deliver high performing results.
We all want to do well at work. When we perform well, contribute at a high level, and are seen as a valuable asset to the team, we enjoy work more and have more opportunities. And while our manager typically determines the work that must be accomplished and when, as individual employees we can also ... read more
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