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As a manager it's important to understand what work-life balance looks like for each of your employees. While there's no right or wrong answer, the balance that is best for each person typically considers both job commitments and personal needs. Finding the right balance may be a little tricky, yet a good place to start is by understanding what great work-life balance looks like for each person. Once you know this, you can take the required steps to determine what actions can be implemented to create the best balance possible for every member of the team. Everyone needs a different level of work-life balance, and what this balance looks like will differ too. There is no right or wrong answer. This course will help you know what great balance looks like for each person. Someone may be able to work really long hours, get an exercise workout in here and there, and be perfectly balanced and energized. While others may need to spend more time meeting personal or family needs to feel balanced. By completing this course, you will know what work-life balance looks like for each person.

The Result:
Understand what work/life balance looks like for each person

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Increasing Employee Engagement
Managers build the skills required to engage employees to perform at their best.
As a manager, one of your main areas of focus should be employee engagement. Research shows time and time again that engaged employees deliver higher levels of performance, contribute greater than those who are less engaged, and choose to stay longer with the organization. All of which contributes t... read more
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