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So you've delegated work to others. Commitments were successfully made and deadlines agreed to. All seemed to be going well, yet the unexpected happened, the work didn't get done. The agreement was broken. If this has ever happened to you, you know the frustration it creates. You delegated work so you can focus on other things, yet now you must confront the person who didn't do the job, and you face the possibility of doing the work yourself. Neither of these things were planned on. This course presents an exercise you will use if you find delegated work not done or not accomplished at the desired level of performance. In these circumstances you must confront the situation. You don't have an option on this one. However, you do have a choice for how you approach and handle the situation--this course will show you how. By completing this course, you will know how to effectively confront others when agreements are broken.

The Result:
Effectively confront others when agreements are broken

This is available as part of

Delegating Work
Managers develop their skills to effectively and successfully delegate work to others.
As a manager and leader of others you must be able to delegate well. Delegation is an essential skill for all leaders, and when not done well can create a number of problems. Therefore, it's so important you take the time and make the effort to build great delegation skills. When you delegate well, ... read more
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