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When we don't listen, we are typically distracted, thinking about something else, and not giving the person our full attention. This gives the impression that what the person has to say is not important and that we don't value the person's thoughts and opinions. This can lead to a strained relationship. When this happens between team members, it can lead to mistrust and reluctance to share critical information. As you can imagine, this is never good. This course will present an exercise you do with your team, focusing on the key communication skill of listening. By completing this course, you will help you team know how well they listen to their co-workers and peers.

The Result:
Evaluate your communication with co-workers and peers to see how well you listen

This is available as part of

Communication Skills for Managers
Managers build and strengthen their communication skills to work more effectively with their employees, peers and organization leaders.
As a manager, it is essential you are a good communicator. You are in constant communication with others. Whether it's with senior leaders, peers, or your employees, you must be able to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas, as well as deliver clear and concise messages. When you do, you'll fin... read more
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