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Whether we realize it or not, we all tend to tailor how we communicate with different groups of people. From family members and friends, to co-workers and bosses, each of us usually alter how we interact and communicate with different groups. Taking the time to determine how you should tailor your communication will help ensure you are effective in your interactions with others. This course will help you think through the different types of audiences you communicate with, and then determine what you need to do to tailor your messages for the different audiences. By completing this course, you will know how to create communication reminders for the most frequent audiences you interact with.

The Result:
Create communication reminders for the most frequent audiences you interact with

This is available as part of

Communication Skills for Managers
Managers build and strengthen their communication skills to work more effectively with their employees, peers and organization leaders.
As a manager, it is essential you are a good communicator. You are in constant communication with others. Whether it's with senior leaders, peers, or your employees, you must be able to clearly articulate your thoughts and ideas, as well as deliver clear and concise messages. When you do, you'll fin... read more
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