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This item contains several different items. Purchasing this item includes all of the component items listed below.


Feedback Solutions is a 4-part, comprehensive training package designed to motivate people and provide them with the skills they need to give and receive feedback, improve morale, develop performance, build empowered teams and deliver quality service. With realistic scenarios, your employees will come to understand the basic principles of how to effectively give and receive feedback concerning job performance, behavior and suggestions as well as examples of specific behavioral skills for handling difficult feedback situations

This extensive video-based training package encourages the idea of a "feedback culture" within your organization - one in which giving and receiving feedback becomes part of normal day-to-day business.

Feedback / Coaching
Series or Video Sets
Year of Release
Product Type
Course ID

Trainer's Guide & Workbook

Component Items

This is a compilation item which contains other items. Licensing this one item causes all of the following items to be licensed.

Giving Feedback - Basic Skills
Giving Feedback - Basic Skills was designed for staff at all levels and will encourage everyone to take responsibility for giving feedback to others. This video demonstrates how to structure the feedback you give to ensure that it is specific, balanced and timely.Feedback is no longer just the role ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Giving Feedback - Advanced Skills
Giving Feedback - Advanced Skills provides specific behavioral techniques for dealing with the four most common difficult situations encountered when giving feedback.This program will also explain how to respond when someone is not motivated to listen to feedback and how to structure feedback even i... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Receiving Feedback - Basic Skills
Receiving Feedback - Basic Skills provides viewers with the knowledge and skills they need to receive and act upon constructive feedback from other people about their job performance, behavior, ideas and suggestions.At the conclusion of this training program, participants will understand how to welc... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Receiving Feedback - Advanced Skills
Not everyone is skilled at giving feedback. This places a greater emphasis on the "seeker" to handle the "giver" in a way that will give the "seeker" what he or she needs. In other words, people need to use techniques that will assist the "giver" of the feedback to do the job effectively.Receiving F... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only