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By using these activities, your organisation will gain more confident, assertive and motivated people, more effective working relationships and more 'win-win' agreements. That's because good negotiating skills play a key role in business success.

In any organisation, negotiations take place at all levels. They're not limited to buyers and sellers, but involve anyone who needs the time, expertise and co-operation of others to get their job done. This pack shows participants how to reach mutually satisfactory agreements - quickly and with the minimum of fuss.

The 19 activities are organised into four main sections to deal with different levels of skills development and practice. They are for use in negotiation skills development programmes and in a wide range of other applications including:

  • interpersonal skills
  • selling
  • purchasing
  • influencing
  • objective setting
  • problem solving
  • team working
  • resource allocation
  • meeting skills
  • managing personnel issues

List of Activities:

1. Negotiating the Learning Contract
To introduce participants to the concepts of negotiation. To agree the learning outcome and ground rules for the training programme.

2. What is Negotiating?
To enable participants to understand the term 'negotiations'.

3. A Four-Phase Model for the Negotiating Process
To provide participants with a four-phase model to apply to the negotiation process.

4. Identifying Key Negotiating Skills
To identify a number of the key skills used by effective negotiators.


5. Preparation for Negotiations
To demonstrate the importance of preparation in the negotiation process and to help the participants devise their own checklist to use when preparing for individual and team negotiations.

6. Seeing the Other Side
To explain how to focus on the benefits that a proposal offers the other party and to provide a tool for analysing benefits.

7. Questioning and Listening
To develop participants' questioning and listening skills for negotiating situations.

8. Negotiating a Range of Variables
To devise a negotiating process and skills framework for the participants to use in future negotiations.

9. Moving to Agreement
To enable participants to use different ways of closing a negotiation to reach an agreement.

10. Agreeing What's Been Agreed
To demonstrate the importance of recording agreements and how they have been reached in a negotiation.


11. Interactive Behaviours
To enable participants to recognise, understand and make effective use of non-verbal and verbal behaviours in a negotiation.

12. Power: How to Recognise It and How to Use It
To introduce participants to the concept of power in negotiations and to help them understand how to maximise their own levels of power and offset or limit the power of others.

13. Influencing Strategies
To identify a range of strategies that can be used to influence others in a negotiation.

14. Developing Trust in Negotiations
To explore the concepts and effects of trust and betrayal.

15. Offers and Counter-offers
To identify the skills needed when making and considering offers.

16. Collaboration v Competition
To explore the dynamics and effects of power and trust in multi-party negotiations.


17. The Charities Committee: Multi-party Negotiations
To explore and give practice in negotiating in a multi-party situation and to give practice in negotiating over potentially emotive issues.

18. Halley's House: Negotiations Within and Between Teams
To enable participants to prepare for and undertake a set of negotiations involving multiple issues.

19. Alph-Beta: Negotiations Within and Between Organisations
To provide participants with the opportunity to negotiate an agreement in a highly complex and realistic scenario.

Featured Talent
Dave Clarke
David Simmonds
Ian Steers
323 pages
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

19 Activities • 147 'OK to copy' pages