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As a trainer, you know you need to continuously learn and develop. Not just for your own personal satisfaction, but to satisfy the demands of the training community. You need to take the best route and find the most effective materials. Let Train the Trainer be your guide.

Train the Trainer is structured conveniently around the learning cycle. The core subject areas covered are:

Analysis     Design     ● Delivery     ● Evaluation    ● Assessment

 Train the Trainer is a self-directed learning product, written and developed by training professionals. It gives you a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of learning and development. Whether you are working towards a recognised qualification or keeping your hand in, Train the Trainer is completely invaluable. No more searching through books and journals to find that vital article, that great idea; it will all be here in one place.

  • A source of ideas and inspiration
  • Articles from top authors and practitioners in training
  • Articles based on solid research on the theory of learning and development
  • Case studies of learning put into practice
  • Practical tips and techniques that can be easily implemented into the learning environment
  • Current (and maybe controversial) thinking, challenging existing practice
  • Useful reminders of concepts that are sometimes overlooked in the hurly-burly of everyday life

Train the Trainer is a self-development programme for professional trainers. This comprehensive library of knowledge is flexible, user friendly, informative, thought-provoking, stimulating and practical - this is critical information that you cannot afford to be without!

Train the Trainer
36 issues
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

36 Issues on CD-ROM


Download Sample Module: Coaching Preview
Download Sample Module: Writing Training Obj. Using SMART
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