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Program Highlights

  • Blogs, wikis, peer-to-peer networks, personal broadcasting: the Internet has evolved from a static to a dynamic, highly collaborative platform.
  • Winning companies are leveraging these web technologies to spur innovation and growth.
  • Manufacturers, suppliers, customers, and even competitors are collaborating and rewriting business norms.
Interactive web technologies, in the form of self-organizing Internet communities, are driving a social revolution. This Age of Collaboration is also creating an economic revolution that is changing the architecture of the corporation in how we create goods and services.
Using the findings of a $9-million research project, Don Tapscott describes how companies innovate using the knowledge, resources, and computing power of millions of people organizing into a massive collective force. These innovative companies are challenging our assumptions about business and competitiveness. They are doing this by leveraging networks of peers, using operational transparency to their advantage, sharing intellectual property, and thinking and acting globally.
Don Tapscott is the author of 11 widely read books about information technology, including "Paradigm Shift," "Growing Up Digital," and "The Naked Corporation." Tapscott is adjunct professor of management at the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. He holds an MA in Research Methodology from the University of Alberta and two Doctor of Laws (Hon).
Video Running Time (minutes)
Featured Talent
Chief Executive
New Paradigm
Don Tapscott
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