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Attitudes often make the difference between life and death when maintenance workers confront dangerous hazards on the job. Because these workers must perform job tasks close to moving machinery, chemicals and electricity, they must adopt good personal safety attitudes.

Versatility may be the most important attribute of the maintenance man, but it also places him in a variety of dangerous situations.

The video shows re-enactments of eleven actual accidents suffered by these employees and offers the lessons to be learned from them.

This 19 minute video illustrates "Three Truths" that form a solid foundation for personal safety for maintenance workers:

  1. Accidents will happen if not anticipated and prevented!
  2. If it can't be done safely, don't do it!
  3. Safety and job procedures are inseparable!

After the viewing the program, the viewer will be able to identify the following:

  • The components of a good safety attitude;
  • Why these attitudes along with safe work practices are one in the same in preventing accidents;
  • Specific tasks where safety practices are an integral part of the job function.
Safety Orientation and Attitudes
Video Running Time (minutes)
Product Type
Course ID

A Leader's Guide


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