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Modern Driving Hazards
Modern day driving conditions constantly challenge us to operate automobiles as safely as possible while we deal with other complications in life. Our busy schedules can be quite stressful and we find ourselves trying to make the most of every possible moment in each day. This often means that each ... read more
Preventing Motor Vehicle Collisions
In this motivating program, EMT/firefighter Martin Lesperance recalls the stories of the collision scenes he has attended to illustrate the consequences of the six most common driving errors.Stressed during the presentation is the point that most of these incidents were not accidents - they were act... read more
Vital Choices: Drinking, Driving and Seatbelts
Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of work-related deaths. In fact, automobile accidents account for about 63% of employees' deaths "off the job" as well. Based on these staggering statistics, you can see why we must never take chances.Accident scenes with a live audience presentation b... read more