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All For One - The Meerkat Way
A pragmatic philosophy designed to change or reawaken the way we feel about safety.
This comprehensive package is designed to change or reawaken the way we feel about safety- and help inspire a cultural step change towards an interdependent safety culture. As a species, Meerkats should never have survived at all. They're tiny vulnerable creatures that live in an incredibly hostile ... read more
Bloodborne Pathogens
OVERVIEW ----------------The purpose of this unit is to give trainees a general understanding of hazards associated with exposure to blood in the workplace and basic methods to help minimize exposure. At the conclusion of this unit, trainees will have a basic understanding of the potential hazards o... read more
Breathe Safely: The Proper Use of Respiratory Protection
Exposure to the gases, dusts, mists, and fumes of hazardous chemicals can cause lung damage, cancer, and other serious conditions of the respiratory and central nervous systems as well as other organs. Your organization has implemented a written respiratory protection program to protect workers from... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Breathe Safely: The Proper Use of Respiratory Protection (Concise)
Exposure to the gases, dusts, mists, and fumes of hazardous chemicals can cause lung damage, cancer, and other serious conditions of the respiratory and central nervous systems as well as other organs. Your organization has implemented a written respiratory protection program to protect workers from... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Classes of Fires and Extinguishers
OVERVIEW----------------The purpose of this unit is to give trainees a general understanding of basic principles of fire, types of fire extinguishers, and how to identify different types of fire extinguishers.At the conclusion of this unit, trainees will have a basic understanding of three elements ... read more
Compressed Air Safety
In today’s advanced work environments, compressed air powers a wide variety of tools and equipment as well as large machines and process lines. Benefits of compressed air include low maintenance costs, a low weight to power ratio and the ability to operate for long periods without overheating. Becau... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Compressed Air Safety (Concise)
In today’s advanced work environments, compressed air powers a wide variety of tools and equipment as well as large machines and process lines. Benefits of compressed air include low maintenance costs, a low weight to power ratio and the ability to operate for long periods without overheating. Becau... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Confined Space Entry
OVERVIEW---------------The purpose of this unit is to give trainees a basic understanding of confined space hazards and the general requirements of the OSHA Confined Space Standard.At the conclusion of this unit, trainees will know the difference between a confined space and a "permit-required" conf... read more
Confined Spaces & the Entry Permit System (Concise)
Confined space operations require knowledge, training, skill and strict adherence to procedures for a safe entry to be achieved. This video is designed to make viewers aware of confined space ahzards and the steps that must be taken to prevent these hazards from contributing to injuries and deaths. ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Conveyor Safety In The Workplace
Also available in Hindi
Conveyor systems have become so common that we often forget how dangerous they can be, but these pieces of equipment have many unique hazards that we must always be aware of and take the proper precautions to avoid. This video demonstrates the work practices employees must follow to stay safe when w... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Creating Safety in Welding Operations
Welders take pride in their work; after all, their welds are visible for all to see. To avoid injury, welders must also take pride in their safety and make sure safety is also visible for all to see. Every day, welders are confronted with many hazards that can cause serious injury and property damag... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Creating Safety in Welding Operations (Concise)
Welders take pride in their work; after all, their welds are visible for all to see. To avoid injury, welders must also take pride in their safety and make sure safety is also visible for all to see. Every day, welders are confronted with many hazards that can cause serious injury and property damag... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only