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Don't Be A Dummy About Back Safety
In this video from our dummies suffer several painful back injuries despite the company's effort to make employees aware of the actions they can take to prevent them.Embedded in these injuries is a message to viewers: back injuries don't happen to dummies; they happen to real people who ignore basic... read more
Don't Be A Dummy About Industrial Safety
In this video four dummies show viewers just how easily accidents can happen. But accidents don't just happen to dummies, they happen to real workers with families, like your employees. This comprehensive orientation program covers sixteen specific training topics essential for new hires while stres... read more
Don't Bet Your Life On Unsafe Acts
Also available in Hindi
When workers begin their jobs each day, they aren't planning to gamble their lives away by committing unsafe acts. Somewhere along the way, however, some employees make a choice or decision to risk their lives by bypassing a safety rule or procedure. Will their gambles pay off? Don't bet on it.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Don't Bet Your Life On Unsafe Acts (Concise)
Also available in Hindi
When workers begin their jobs each day, they aren't planning to gamble their lives away by committing unsafe acts. Somewhere along the way, however, some employees make a choice or decision to risk their lives by bypassing a safety rule or procedure. Will their gambles pay off? Don't bet on it.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ergonomics Employee Training: Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders
Also available in Hindi
This video focuses on the three main components of a successful ergonomics program: developing a knowledge of musculoskeletal disorders, reporting their signs and symptoms and controlling ergonomic hazards. Topics include types of musculoskeletal disorders, importance of reporting MSD signs and symp... read more
High-Impact Crane Safety
Many types and sizes of cranes assist us in lifting and moving heavy loads in our workplaces: overhead bridge cranes, mobile gantry cranes, jib cranes and others. No matter what the size or type, all cranes present potential hazards that must be addressed to prevent serious injuries or death. Becaus... read more
High-Impact Eye Safety
Your employees will make a new commitment to eye safety when they see the real accidents shown in this video. Thousands of eye injuries occour at work everyday. Most can be prevented by simply wearing proper personal eye protection. After watching this video your employes will be dedicated to protec... read more
High-Impact Fall Prevention
Also available in Hindi
The 10 accidents re-created in this video will show employees that short cuts and other common safety mistakes can lead to painful and sometimes fatal falls. Ladder safety, housekeeping, aerial lifts, fall arrest systems, proper footwear, recognizing hazards and other topics related to fall preventi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
High-Impact Fall Prevention (Concise)
Also available in Hindi
The 10 accidents re-created in this video will show employees that short cuts and other common safety mistakes can lead to painful and sometimes fatal falls. Ladder safety, housekeeping, aerial lifts, fall arrest systems, proper footwear, recognizing hazards and other topics related to fall preventi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
High-Impact Hand Safety
This video vividly re-creates 15 hand and finger injuries to show the viewer the effects of unsafe work practices. While the program graphically illustrates each accident, it also presents the causes and prevention measures for each one.The program will force the viewer to think about the value of h... read more
Protecting Hands From Hazards
Also available in Hindi
This program demonstrates ways to avoid hazards and emphasizes the reasons for Always Following Safe Work Practices. This video shows heavy assembly operations and covers these topics: The extraordinary human hand Mechanical Hazards Chemical & thermal exposures Repetitive motion stresses Using your ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Respiratory Protection Program, The: Employee Training
Exposure to hazardous chemicals in the form of dusts, fumes, mists and gases may cause lung damage, cancer and other serious ailments to vital organs and the central nervous system. To protect you from these adverse health effects, your company has established a written respiratory protection progra... read more