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360 Degree Feedback
Part of 'Take Away Training' series
Learn how 360 degree feedback works and how you can improve with feedback from others.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
360° Feedback
Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques for Developing Leaders
Find out how the emerging technology of multi-source assessment and feedback (360º feedback) can benefit your organization. This handbook presents concrete methods for creating, adapting, and using survey methods to provide sharply targeted feedback to leaders. It contains case examples of applicati... read more
6 Ways to Prevent Sloppy Work
Part of 'Take Away Training' Series
In this program, Psychologists Eve Ash and Peter Quarry, discuss why some staff deliver substandard work and offer practical solutions for managers to overcome the issue. Examples of sloppy work can include: slow or late completion of tasks, mistakes, taking shortcuts that can lead to safety, qual... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A Formula for Team Success
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Pete Williams, Entrepreneur to explore some practical advice and strategies. How to ensure a successful team, even if a virtual team? Pete Williams shares his strategies: • Work with A-level people • Attitude & skill • Tr... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Learn to apologize appropriately and identify verbs that take the infinitive -want, seem, attempt, demand, expect, like and love. Each video has five sections:Language Functions, Grammar, Idioms, Vocabulary, Pronunciation. 20 FUN ESL VIDEOS Shot on location in USA
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciate Feedback
Welcome feedback wihtout defensiveness and continually improve.Dion hears some tough feedback from Carol who explains why she would not hire him. It-s important for everyone to welcome feedback - both positive and critical feedback, but Sam gets defensive when Michael offers feedback on his latest p... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
As Others See Us
A look at interperonal relationships.
This animated video illustrates why we sometimes have difficulty working with people. It explores why conflicts occur and shows what happens when our self-image differs from the image others have of us. It shows how these conflicts can result in anxiety, defensiveness, and other blocks to effective ... read more
Assertiveness Skills Pack, The
These activities show how it pays to be assertive
Use this pack to demonstrate what assertive behaviour is and how it can be used in a wide range of work situations. Take the 24 group activities and incorporate them into sessions on customer care, team working, meetings, managing change and giving feedback. Give participants the confidence to open ... read more
Building a Feedback-Positive Organization
Employees have a greater response to constructive feedback.
Program Highlights How regular, specific and face-to-face feedback can transform your organization. The three building blocks of the feedback-positive organization. How to redefine mistakes as learning opportunities, and find the courage to grow.
Can We Talk?
Marie wants to talk to fellow team member Claude about the problems caused by his late deliveries. But how does she start? How can she handle her anxiety and fear of what might happen?An essential part of coaching someone is giving them feedback about their performance - telling them what they are d... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Career Coaching Skills
Part of 'Learning A La Carte' Series
Dr Beverly Kaye is the founder and CEO of Career Systems International, the leader in the development and delivery of innovative, action-based, Talent Management solutions, located in Scranton, PA. and has been a leader in the field of Career Development over 30 years. She is the author of the class... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Career Management and Talent Review
In this program Eve Ash, Psychologist and Founder Seven Dimensions, interviews Peter Wallbridge, HR Consultant to explore some practical advice and strategies. Practical tips for senior managers to plan succession. Peter Wallbridge covers: • What is a talent review process? • The mechanics • Compreh... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only