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Body Language
We use words to communicate but, their real meaning is often conveyed by our body language. Body language and voice tone are inextricably linked and each one has an effect on the other. We should be positive in our attitude and try to convey this in our voice tone. Our body language should then foll... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Body Language Skills at Work
Using body language to create communications that work
The training is in two parts: Part 1 (22 min) covers your own body language andPart 2 (18 min) covers how to read & react to the body language of those around you. The video/DVD uses realistic drama scenes, where we follow two main characters: Michael, the Managing Director of a furniture manufactur... read more
Body Talk
How to read and use body language to communicate effectively
This video allows you to show the impact body language has on all face-to-face communication with colleagues and customers. You'll make your people aware of the benefits of positive body language. Most importantly, you'll give them the skills they need to use 'body talk' to communicate more clearly ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Little Things Mean A Lot (TM)
Micro-inequities to Micro-Affirmations
In a weakened economy, decreased resources produce stress. Devaluing behaviors, that are toxic to productivity, innovation and engagement, explode. Little Things Mean A Lotâ„¢ combats this problem with fresh, positive and proven approaches that put inclusion at the heart of performance.Inclusion is a ... read more