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101 Questionnaires, Checklists and Proformas
Your invaluable learning and development collection
You'll have 101 different questionnaires, checklists and proformas at your fingertips. They have all been carefully chosen to provide you with the widest range of applications across a broad spectrum of situations.Essential tools for all your trainingQuestionnaires, checklists and proformas are vita... read more
2006 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting (with CD-ROM)
The Annual is a ready-make toolkit of ideas, methods, techniques, and models that assist and support your work as an organizational consultant, with an emphasis in the change management area. The materials provide highly accessible means of interacting with a diverse variety of systems and processes... read more
2006 Pfeiffer Annual: Training (with CD-ROM)
The Annual is divided into four sections: Experiential Learning Activities (ELAs); Editor's Choice; Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys; and Articles and Discussion Resources. The 2006 Training Annual includes a wonderful array of tools to help you with change. The centerpiece is Vince Miller’s... read more
2009 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting (with CD-ROM)
The Annual is a ready-make toolkit of ideas, methods, techniques, and models that assist and support your work as an organizational consultant, with an emphasis in the change management area. The materials provide highly accessible means of interacting with a diverse variety of systems and processes... read more
Choosing and Using External Consultants
Your complete guide to finding, briefing and evaluating external consultants
Choosing and Using External Consultants is for anyone who has the task of selecting an external consultant - whether you're new to the field of training or an experienced trainer yourself. Outsourcing training is a challenge: you have to be clear about what your organisation wants, and you have to e... read more
125 Structured Activities for Faultless Training
This collection of ready-to-use activities will help you make the most of all five key "connections" with participants_those important encounters that can make or break the success of your training. Use these activities at each critical juncture in your training to ensure that participants get invol... read more
Emotionally Intelligent Trainers Toolkit, The
Straight forward exercises to add a vital extra dimension to your training.
<>The Emotionally Intelligent Trainer's Toolkit is your unique practical guide to transforming your training by learning about yourself and how you relate to your participants. The tools in this Toolkit show how Emotional Intelligence reaches every aspect of the training process. They provide straig... read more
High-profile Trainer, The
Show your organisation how your training makes a difference
With The High Profile Trainer you'll be able to utilise 51 ready-made tools that provide instant support and immediate improvements in the way you assess and present your work. There are checklists, worked examples, sample activities, meeting agendas, and proformas for you to use. And samples and ex... read more
How to Promote Training
Features practical ideas you can use to promote your training sessions, how to make them more exciting & how to raise employees level fo enthusiasm for training sessions.
Human Resource Development: A Strategic Approach
Learn how to develop long-term strategic plans for your training department. This book describes how to further HRD goals by establishing a sound purpose statement, assessing the learning needs of all job categories in the organization, and implementing the use of appropriate employee training. Pack... read more
Internet Ideas for the Resourceful Trainer
Low cost e-mail and Web-based tools for the non-technical trainer
This loose-leaf toolkit is designed for non-technical trainers who would like some practical ideas on how the internet can be used to enhance their training. All of the activities make use of on-line technology that involves no cost whatsoever - other than the cost of the internet connection and a t... read more
Multiple Intelligences
A Trainer's Resource of 35 Activities
Facilitators looking to improve the ease and efficiency of their training procedures as well as making training more effective, interesting and enjoyable for participants will find these 35 activities, based on Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, just what they have been looking for.While th... read more